- Headstones & plaques
- Additional inscriptions
- Lettering & design
- Matched handcut lettering
- Traditional lead lettering
- On site lettering
- Memorial Restoration
- Cleaning
- Traditional full cover overtops & kerbings
- Reface & repolish existing headstones
- Carved headstones
- Flower vases & accessories
- Ceramic Photos
- Stone supplies
Additional inscriptions can be done onsite
Shaping a Granite Headstone
Commercial Stone Work
We stock and supply a large range of Slate, Granite, Marble, Schist, Quartzite, Coloured Pebbles and other stone.
We offer a wide range of design and build skills relating to commercial monuments and memorials.
We have been associated with many leading projects throughout our long history.
A recent example of our work is the Tangiwai Memorial, between Ohakune and Wairoru.
Additional lead inscriptions can be done onsite
Polishing of granite stones
Bricks & Fundraising
We are proud to work with schools and associations on various fundraising schemes. This includes putting names on clay bricks and pavers and granite plaques.